Other activities in and around Sunningdale

Listed below are some of the activities taking place in and around Sunningdale - in addition to these there is a wealth of activity hosted by Sunningdale Village Hall (click here to see the activities at Sunningdale Village Hall).

Click here to see a map showing the various locations of these venues.

Please click on each activity to open a new page to find out more details about what is on offer and how you can get involved.


If you would like to find out about promoting your activity via this website and in our magazine Sunningdale Village Venues, please contact Carol at Village.Venues@sunningdaleparish.org.uk


Ocean Theatre Company

All Saints Church Hall, Ascot (14-18 year olds)

Sunningdale Bowling Club

Whitmore Lane, Sunningdale SL5 0NA

Pilates by Amanda Mann

WI Hall, Broomhall Recreation Ground, Sunningdale

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